IPC/Sophie Smoliar Scholarship and FEP FETA Award To Be Presented at Photokina 2014
Anna Rasmussen of the Czech Republic to receive award
New York/ Brüssels, August 31, 2014—The IPC/Sophie Smoliar Scholarship of US $1,000 by International Photographic Council (IPC), a Non-governmental organization of the United Nations, is presented bi-annually in connection with Photokina in Cologne and goes to a European Student majors in photo-imaging with outstanding achievement.
This year’s recipient Mrs.Anna Rasmussen, a 31 years old Photo Student at the Orange Factory, Studio of Advertising Photography, School of Art and Advertising, Prague, Czech Republic has been selected with the kind co-operation of Federation of European Professional Photographers (FEP) .
She has also been nominated by FEP as winner of the first FETA Award 2013 (FEP Emerging Talent Award) and the combined prize ceremony will take place at Photokina Professionals Stage, Hall 4.1. Booth I-50 Wednesday, September 17. 2014 at 17:00 to 18:00. (5.00p.m. to 6.00 p.m.)
Among others, in her application for the IPC/ Sophie Smoliar Scholarship for a European Student majors in photo-imaging Anna Rasmussen writes:
Since childhood, I have been interested in classic black and white photography, developing and enlarging the photos on my own. Now I am mainly working with digital photography. I graduated from the Prague school of Orange Factory, School of Art and Advertising, in the studio of photography under Prof. Miroslav Vojtěchovský and MgA. Marian Beneš
Since for many years I have been working at the National Theatre in Prague as a member of the Ballet Company, I am also focusing on theater photography. I also photograph portraits, nudes and landscapes. Black and white photography still prevail my main interest; my greatest hobby is documentary photography. I shoot for several cultural magazines; my photos are available on the websites of several theaters and theatrical magazines. “
Says Tor Weatherstone, European Representative of IPC, New York and an IPC Board Member: “On behalf of IPC my congratulations being elected to receive the IPC Sophie Smoliar Scholarship on the occasion of Photokina 2014 in Cologne in September and to receive the FETA Award by FEP. Your portfolio of images submitted shows an outstanding quality of very high standard who bodes well for your future career as a professional photographer”.
Dave Matthews MA, FBIPP, FRPS, Chairperson of the FEP “Future Emerging Talent Award (FETA)” says that there was an extremely high standard of photographic imagery in this the first year of the Award and he adds: ”This bodes well not only for the future of the award but perhaps more importantly for the future of the photographic profession in Europe.
The Award is open to young students of photography from Colleges and Universities across Europe. it will give entrants an insight into the work produced by other young photographers from different countries and experience of producing their own photographic imagery to an international and professional level.
The work of this year’s winner Anna Rasmussen from the Czech Republic demonstrates the high level of both creativity and technical expertise expected by the award. It is series of theatrical images shot in available light which show a very sensitive and personal vision of her subject. Anna is a worthy winner in this exciting new international photographic award for young photographers.”
The IPC, a multinational, non-profit, non-commercial organization founded in 1974, is composed of representatives from every major sector of the photographic industry worldwide. In 1983 the United Nations officially recognized IPC as a Non-Governmental Organization associated with the U.N.
The IPC is dedicated to increasing worldwide recognition of photography as a universal means of communication, Through a variety of efforts such as the rewarding of scholarships to students and the recognition of professional photographers annually at the UN, the IPC unwaveringly continues to promote photography in the spirit of the organization’s motto: “Peace through Understanding, Understanding through Photography, the Universal Language.”
The FEP is composed of the national professional associations of the following countries: Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Belgium, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Malta, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, The Netherlands, Ukraine and United Kingdom. The central reference authority for Photography in the EU, it represents over 50.000 professional photographers in Europe https://www.europeanphotographers.eu/.
The FEP defends the rights of professional photographers directly and in communion with national and international organizations and represents the interests of member associations on a global scale on topics like education, training, professional standards, authors rights etc. The FEP cooperates in the organization of national events of member associations and international congresses, and promotes an exchange of keynote speakers.