IPC Celebrates Professional Photographers, 40th Anniversary at U.N. Luncheon 

Mayor Bill de Blasio Proclaims May 15, 2014, as IPC Day in NYC

NEW YORK, NEW YORK, May 20, 2014—The International Photographic Council (IPC), a non-governmental organization (NGO) of the United Nations, and some 100 guests celebrated the nine recipients of its 2014 IPC Professional Photographer Leadership Award at the 16th Annual IPC Pro Award Luncheon. The organization also marked its 40th anniversary at the luncheon, held at the United Nations in New York City on Thursday, May 15.

Event Chairman Andy Marcus, President of Fred Marcus Studio, welcomed guests and thanked the luncheon’s generous corporate sponsors: (Platinum level) B&H, Cygnus Business Media, Fred Marcus Films, FUJIFILM North America Corporation, Lifetouch, The McGrath Group, Panasonic North America, Tiffen and WHCC; (Gold) Canon U.S.A., Inc. and Nikon Inc., (Silver) ASMP, Dynalite, F.J. Westcott Co., Macphun and Sigma.

IPC President James Chung welcomed the 100-plus photography industry guests and distinguished officers of the United Nations. “I welcome all of you, members of the international photographic community, as we gather here to honor the professional photographers of the world; celebrate May, International Professional Photography Month; and the 40th anniversary of IPC,” said Mr. Chung.

Acting Under Secretary General and Director, Deborah Seward, Officer-in-Charge of United Nations Department of Public Information, told the group: “Photography transcends boundaries. It is a powerful and yet intimate experience, both for the photographer and the viewer. Photography is art and it is also a most influential means of communication. It connects people; it touches and moves people in profound ways. Through your cameras and your images you help to convey to the world the universal messages of the United Nations, all in your very distinct and individual ways. . .”

Mr. Chung acknowledged United Nations officers Director Hua Jiang, Chief Mark Garten and Chief Antonio Silva, then presented the IPC Distinguished Service Award to IPC Board member Tom Curley, Business Development Manager, Panasonic North America; and the IPC Excellent Achievement Award to Ms. Sahar Zarei, Assistant Secretary General, on behalf of HIPA (Hamdan International Photography Award). 

IPC officer and Board member Ted McGrath, President of The McGrath Group, introduced keynoter Manny Almeida. Almeida, Senior Vice President and General Manager, Imaging and Electronic Imaging Divisions, FUJIFILM North America Corporation, delivered an insightful and moving historical perspective:

“. . . Imagine our grandparents’ surprise if we told them we just took a photo with a telephone. Yet the professional’s eye, not digital technology—the “I knew something was gonna happen” intuition—is still what sets professionals apart from the rest of us. Professional photographers have changed the world. They have ended wars and they have started wars. They have saved lives and taken lives. They have captured human suffering, kindness, love and euphoria. And they have helped the human spirit imagine and vividly remember. Truly iconic images continue to imprint our minds, with many taken by people such as those being honored today: Theresa Raffetto, American Photographic Artists; Ed McDonald, American Society of Media Photographers; Andy J.J. Hens, Federation of European Photographers; Ali Bin Thalith, Hamdan International Photography Award; Greg Smith, National Press Photographers Association; Timothy Walden, Professional Photographers of America; Bill Freeman, Professional School Photographers Association; William Collins Auth, White House News Photographers Association; and Jerry Ghionis, Wedding & Portrait Photographers International.”

Adding to the festivities, IPC Board member Alice Miller, President of Plum Communications, read a proclamation issued by New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, which concluded: “I applaud tonight’s honorees and I congratulate this distinguished organization for its four decades of tireless work to advance the field of photography. Together, we look forward to IPC continuing to capture and improve our city and our world, one photo at a time. Therefore, I, Bill de Blasio, Mayor of the City of New York, do hereby proclaim Thursday, May 15, 2014, in the City of New York, as ‘International Photographic Council Day.’ ”


The International Photographic Council (IPC) is a multinational, non-profit, non-governmental organization (NGO) of the United Nations, composed of representatives from every major sector of the photographic industry. Founded in 1974, IPC is dedicated to increasing worldwide recognition of photography as a universal means of communication. IPC’s motto is “Peace Through Understanding, Understanding Through Photography, the Universal Language.”


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