2007 Hall of Fame

International Photographic Council (IPC) Honors David Ritz with Hall of Fame Award.

NEW YORK, NEW YORK, January 2007 – The International Photographic Council (IPC), a non-governmental organization of the United Nations, has named David M. Ritz, Chairman and CEO of Ritz Camera Centers, Inc. as the recipient of its annual Hall of Fame award for 2007. The award honors legendary contributors to the photographic industry. The presentation is scheduled to take place at the IPC’s 2007 Annual New Year’s Luncheon on Thursday, February 15th, 2007, 11:30 a.m., at the United Nations in New York City. Keynote speaker for the luncheon will be Gary Shapiro, President & CEO, Consumer Electronics Association (CEA).


The International Photographic Council (IPC) is a multinational, non-profit, non-governmental organization (NGO) of the United Nations, composed of representatives from every major sector of the photographic industry. Founded in 1974, the IPC is dedicated to increasing worldwide recognition of photography as a universal means of communication through the adoption of the motto “Peace Through Understanding, Understanding Through Photography, the Universal Language.”


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